Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

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Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by arc »

Been pretty boring around here for the past week or two, so I'm starting a new thread to liven things up a little.

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?

5.) Are you happy at your job?

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?

7.) Do you play any videogames?

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

10.) Mac or PC?

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by arc »

I'll go first... :)

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?
A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)
2002 Toyota Highlander

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?
Went to Yellowstone National Park. Such a beautiful place.

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?
In 2010 I went to jail for 20 days for my 2nd DUI. That sucked.

5.) Are you happy at your job?
Nope, I hate my job.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
A little Vietnamese restaurant called Pho 555. They have the *best* Pho in town. You guys familiar with Pho?

7.) Do you play any videogames?
You can catch me playing BF3 and Quake Live any day of the week, tearing shit up. :)

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
I need a job.

9.) What do you wish you had more of?
Money and room in my house.

10.) Mac or PC?

Yeah I know, this thread is a little cheesy...

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Críoch »

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?

Margrave of the Marshes by John Peel & Co.

I'm just after hearing this morning about Rolf Harris (Novelty song chart worrier / Kids art presenter from the 70's / 80's / Animal Hospital presenter & all round likeable guy..) was rearrested for historical sexual abuse allegations? Also heard that there was some sexual allegations made against John Peel (the famous Radio 1 DJ). I need to check it out, but its making me feel really uneasy tbh. Peel is definitely a hero of mine.

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

2004 Toyota Yaris.

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?

Barcelona. Never again. Went with Wife & 4.5yr old son. It was too hot for him & there was a lot of walking involved even though we were doing "child friendly" things. Never again. Never again. Holidaying in Ireland from now 'tll he's 18. Then he can pay to go wherever he wants himself.

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?

Speeding. Felt really stupid. Shouldnt have been doing it. That was a year ago & I've stayed at least 5kmph under the limit since then. Not that I was a speeder before.. I wasnt - but it's had the bonus of making my petrol last longer.. and I am driving safer. I think every driver needs to get some points on their license to be a better driver. There should be refresher courses every 5 years.

5.) Are you happy at your job?

Yep. I work with people with Disabilities. Its quite challenging at times.. literally you do not know what is going to happen from 1 second to the next. Just cos everything is fine now, doesnt mean that you can let your concentration slip. Its a good feeling supporting them do stuff, as otherwise their options would be curtailed. Its a great laugh & very interesting. Everyday.. Every minute is different. I'm happy.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?

Theres a great place in Longford called - erm.. Viewmount House. Dublin quality food down the country with country prices and portions. Love it there.

7.) Do you play any videogames?

Not really.. but my Son loves playing ghosts & goblins on one of those joysticks that you plug into the TV. I play it & he watches. Even though its from the 80's - Its fcking hard.

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?

Nothing really. Time I suppose. Working a lot & trying to balance everything at home & with the site / stuff for the blog / projects. List writing time again. The shit with subsekt & the hosting company is sickening my hole atm royally..

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

Time. Money. I would love more savings. 4 years of college has depleted the uranium.

10.) Mac or PC?

Both. Mac Pro & a shitty Dell laptop that is pretty good actually. Hope to get a MBP after xmas.
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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by tdmusic »

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?

Just finished HHhH by Laurent Binet ( ... 1846554799), all about a plot to assassinate Heydrich (one of Hitler's right hand men) in Czechoslovakia during WWII. It's written in a pretty interesting way where the story is interspersed with the author writing about his struggle to keep the book historically accurate as he goes, sounds like it could be a bit naff but works pretty well! Definitely recommend it, it's powerful to be reminded of the sheer magnitude of the crimes that were committed by the Nazis too. Not sure what I'll read next, I'm actually tempted to find something more about WWII/the Nazis - any recommendations? If not we've got hundreds of books (my girlfriend studied English at university) so I'll just pick one at random.

Non-fiction, I started on "Techno Rebels" by Dan Sicko on the train the other day ( which is about the history of Detroit techno. It's the second time I've tried to read it and again I found it rather dry, but I'll persevere - there's not much good writing about dance music around, I did quite enjoy "Energy Flash" though.

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

Neither! I live in central London so no need to have a car. Wouldn't mind getting a bike though - I like the idea of going out mountain biking occasionally so maybe I need two, one that I don't mind getting stolen for cycling to work and one for weekends...

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?

Went snowboarding in France, my last "big" holiday was two weeks in California last year which was amazing, some stunning scenery in Yosemite and Tahoe. Would love to live out there for a while, SF seems like a really cool city and the close proximity to mountains and beaches and stuff would be awesome. Seems the work/life balance is pretty heavily skewed in favour of work over there though, which isn't really my kind of thing ;)

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?

Never that I can remember...

5.) Are you happy at your job?

Would I be replying to this first thing in the morning if so? Heh, jk ;) Can't really complain but I'm a bit bored, it's a decent job and nice place but very focussed on one particular product and area of software development - previous jobs have been a lot more varied, moving from project to project every few months, and I'm starting to miss that variety. Hopefully some interesting new thing will come along but I'm not sure that's how they do things round here, I think it's more about being very specialised in one area. I get to listen to music most of the time anyway so all good!

6.) What is your favourite restaurant in your area?

Probably this place: near my old flat, it's primarily Turkish but with loads of choice on the menu, really really tasty, good value and a fun place to be. Either there or any good pizza place :)

7.) Do you play any videogames?

No, the last games I really played were Quake I and II, used to be well into them when I was younger, and then GTA San Andreas for a bit when I was at university. Weirdly for someone who's in to computers, I'm really crap at games (I've only ever finished Fantasy World Dizzy, and that was with a cheat code!) and find them quite boring.

The one game I would love to have a console to play is Wipeout 2097, I absolutely love that game - the atmosphere it creates with the visual style (I love The Designers Republic work from that era) and the soundtrack is amazing. A mate showed me a more recent Wipeout on his PS3 with this really cool "zone" mode where the track reacted to the music you were listening to, that was cool!

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?

My inability to make some proper music beyond just loops and sketches, I've bought enough kit recently that I've got no excuses so I think I need to start being disciplined with myself!

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

Snow and mountains

10.) Mac or PC?

Mac. Used to be a PC user but was always curious about Macs so when I got my first decent job, I switched and haven't looked back. The stability for audio stuff (without tweaking drivers etc.) really impressed me, the operating system works really for web development as it's UNIX based, and generally it just feels like it's a pleasure rather than a struggle to use. I have to use a PC with Windows 8 at work though - it's not too bad but I'm glad to get home to my Mac. I've got a top of the range laptop here, 8 core processor, SSD etc., and I swear my five year old Macbook is more responsive!

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Patriek »

Take III...see if i can post now :P

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?
Some book about Scrum Master (Work related project management shizzle)

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)
VW Polo (cheap to lease, hahaha)

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?
Nothing really. Food, drinks and enjoy doing nothing in the south of NL.

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?! Nah, speedingtickets ffs.

5.) Are you happy at your job?
Most of the time i am. But there are days were i want to kill customers/collegues.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
McDonalds! On a serious note...nothing close to my home that is worth mentioning.

7.) Do you play any videogames?
Atm i play way to much Guildwars 2 :(

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
Time and politics

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

10.) Mac or PC?
Both :)
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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Mrlemon »

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?

Right now nothing, spent the last month of my time in South Africa battling with Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. By all accounts an excellent book, but an endurance test for sure. In the end I had to pack it in as I had far too much other stuff on my mind.

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

Can't drive, live in London so cycle everywhere.
Current bikes are:
Basso Time Trial set up fixed as a posh beater, my general about town everyday bike.
Surly Steamroller single speed set up as a Polo Bike (although I haven't played for feckin ages)
09 Mirraco Blend BMX
early 90's (I think) Somec Road Bike

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?
Just returned from 3 months in Durban South Africa living with my boyfriend who's out there looking after an elderly mother. Less of a holiday and more of a test of whether I could possibly live out there. Jury still currently out :/

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?
Not had any direct trouble with the police since I was a teenager, unless illegal party encounters count?

5.) Are you happy at your job?
I wasn't, hence fucking everything off and going to Africa. Was working in admin for a small construction firm for 4.5 years, and had to get out. Currently skint, homeless and starting again. a liberating feeling.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
Mestizo in Camden. Proper Mexican food, shame its so ridiculously expensive though.

7.) Do you play any videogames?
never been one for videogames

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
Too many to list. In a good way (if that makes sense?)

9.) What do you wish you had more of?
Time, money and music. You can never have enough music.

10.) Mac or PC?
Mac, PC's drive me bonkers.

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Mono-xID »

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?
-The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band (Mötley Crue Biography)

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?
-Bodensee first and after that straight to the Baltic Sea with the fam (came back last sunday)

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?
-4 hours ago when i brought the nipper to the kindergarden. On my way back home,fuckin' officer stopped me because he wasn't happy me riding the skateboard on the sidewalk

5.) Are you happy at your job?
-no job at the moment so i'm happy as a bird :lol: . New job starts october.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
-HABIBI: very tasty arabian food, MIRCHI: very good indian food

7.) Do you play any videogames?
-not anymore since i started with music production

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
-looking forward to meet my mate WHIGGAZ at the weekend for our notorious "Kiez Patroullie" (checking our favourite bars in our area)
-my son is turning into an angry little jock at the moment

9.) What do you wish you had more of?
- GG Allin original 7" vinyl singles

10.) Mac or PC?

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by ashley BORG »

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?
Gone Girl

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)
Honda Civic VTEC 1.6 2003

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?
Proper holiday 2010, Ibiza mostly relaxing but went out a couple of days

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?
11 years ago, driving related offence

5.) Are you happy at your job?

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
Don't really have one. We like to try different places in central London, usually Korean or Vietnamese

7.) Do you play any videogames?
Not really any more, although do have a PS3

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
My job / career path

9.) What do you wish you had more of?
Time to do my own thing.

10.) Mac or PC?[/quote]

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Barfunkel »

arc wrote:Been pretty boring around here for the past week or two, so I'm starting a new thread to liven things up a little.

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?
Some school, ie. electronics-related stuff.
2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)
None, I hate driving. I use my legs, train, tram, underground, bus or cab.
3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?
No money to go anywhere. My last trip was about 6 weeks in Berlin, but that was like 6-7 years ago.

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?
Never been in trouble with the law.
5.) Are you happy at your job?
I'm currently studying, so no job of any kind.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
No idea, I rarely eat out. I'm a decent cook, so to get better food than that I'd need to spend lots of money, and I can't afford such a luxury.
7.) Do you play any videogames?
Occasionally something on the Nintendo DS. Also, I'm a recovering Championship Manager addict.

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
Techno-related, but it's bothering me whether the money I'm going to spend on music equipment in the near future is money well spent, did I made the right choices etc.

9.) What do you wish you had more of?
Money. I don't need to be filthy rich, but I've always been piss-poor, so even average income would be very nice.

10.) Mac or PC?
Never owned a Mac, so let's go with the PC.
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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by mainst09 »

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?
I don't read it sucks really boring and i fall asleep after 5 minutes of reading because my eyes get tired so...

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)
I didn't take yet my driver license

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?
like 1 weekend to the beach and i hated it

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?
never had trouble with the law.

5.) Are you happy at your job?
I don't work

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
A mexican restaurant,really good

7.) Do you play any videogames?
Fuck yes games are great i have ps3 altough i just have like 5 games lol

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
The fucking world like i'm 18 i don't want to go to university but i'm obligated to do so because there ano jobs for people that are no qualified it's so stupid before there were a lot of honest jobs where you got some good money without having been in university,now you have to spend 3 years plus the master's degree and stuff and you don't know if you ever gonna have a job,fucking hate this world,if you are a GOD believer then wake up,THERE ARE NO GOD.

9.) What do you wish you had more of?
Vagina,money,Social-Democracy around the world,jobs for everyone,never ending food for kids in africa,revolutions,left-wing people and many more

10.) Mac or PC?
I always had PC at my house and i like the operator but i'm sure Mac is a better option
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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Ttinga »

I added one more question at the end...

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?

Nothing right now, I like the typical nerdy sci-fi/fantasy but have a hard time finding good stuff.

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart and Gary Fisher Marlin.

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?

2 years ago went to Kauai in Hawaii. An amazing place if you like to stay active and don't want to sit on a beach the whole time. Expensive food though.

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?

Nothing notable.

5.) Are you happy at your job?

Yes, my job is very interesting although it's a little bit "startupy" so there is some risk.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?

Living in Chicago it's hard to choose. I'm just going to throw one out there which is Lotus Cafe - amazing Banh Mi's.

7.) Do you play any videogames?

I go through phases and right now I am in a video game phase. Used to play a lot of CoD on Xbox but now mainly PC gaming ( I like indie games quite a bit. Planning on getting Payday 2 and have been messing around with Dota2 a bit :o .

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?

Have a baby now and I feel like I always have a cold or some sort of lingering sickness.

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

square footage.

10.) Mac or PC?

Used to be a mac guy but happily using a PC now.

11.) Guilty Pleasure?

90s breaks/electronica

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by tdmusic »

Good additional question!

11.) Guilty Pleasure?
Mid-late 90s prog and trance, usually loud on my headphones after a drunken night out prior to passing out... can't help it!

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Lost to the Void »

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?

Ministry: The Lost Gospels According to Al Jourgensen
About the most Rock n Roll rock n Roller that ever has Rock n Rolled.
Also re-reading the Apophenion by Genius Occultist and renegade scientist Peter J Carrol, a truly mind bending and difficult book combining very advanced thinking on the mind, the self, and combining it with quantum mechanics, the notion of time having 3 dimensions, free will, and the self as an intrinsic part of the whole.
and Neuro Linguistic Programming by Bavister and Vickers, a book covering all you need to know to begin applying NLP in your life

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

Don`t do either, I live in London and use the Buses, Tubes, Trains and River Buses (and occasionally the cable car), I don`t even have a driving license. I am going on a crash course soon, so that when I go back and visit my mum, who is getting old, I can drive her about

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?

Chilled out, saw the sights, generally wound down in Western Cyprus.

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?

That`s a bit hazy, there was a time in my life where I was dealing with and negotiating with the police, up to fairly high rank on a regular (weekly) basis, in quite adverse conditions, and luckily, was never arrested. Last time was more than likely me dealing with the police on behalf of a Rave put on by mates after I quit the organising side of it, as I have somewhat of a reputation for negotiating with good results with the police, and still helped out for a while even after my "retirement". I can`t think of the ACTUAL last time, but I could fill a few chapters of a book with my various stories of police contact. Negotiating with the police, getting your own way, and having them walk away thinking they got their own way, was an almost sex like buzz

5.) Are you happy at your job?

Very. When I took the decision to focus and take my years of musical experience with audio, to make a practical business in mastering, it meant I filled quite a few life requirements. No boss, doing something I am good at and enjoy. It also frees up my own music from any financial pressure, meaning I get to what I like with no concern for sales, trends fashions or anything else but my own satisfaction.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?

So many great restaurants round here it`s hard to make a choice, so I`ll have to pick a few.
Wahaca - Authentic mexican food. No Tex-Mex muck, but proper street food, fresh quality ingredients. Tacos, tostadas, taquitos, pibil, mole, horchata, and a really really good tequila selection.
Anatolia - My local Turkish restaurant, generally always filled with local Turks, again authentic peasant food, fresh ingredients, proper charcoal grilled, kebabs, yoghurtlu, imam bayildi, patlican soslu, falafel, and super cheap too.
Leyton Spice - Really really good indian food around here, huge hindu community. We have some of the best indian restaurants in the country on our doorstep. Again, when the indian community eats there, you know it is good. This place does amazing Naga based dishes, still quite rare for london.
Grillsbay - Authentic, homey, earthy Kerala Quisine, fantastic vegetarian indian food, if you have never had proper Kerala food, it is miles away from what you expect of indian dishes. Just amazing taste experiences.

7.) Do you play any videogames?

Yes, I have an extremely active brain, when I wake up, it is on immediately, churning over politics, books I am reading (normally more than one at a time), my music, work, occult studies, psychology, painting etc etc
Games are like meditation, I can just disapear and be someone else for a while.
I have a stupid powerful PC so I only play PC games with settings maxed out. Just finished Just Cause 2, which is a really great sandbox adventure of ridiculous scale.

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?

The lack of cohesion in the western world, of any positive drive towards a progressive future for the betterment of mankind, combined in a shift of power where in a few years time, it is the east, and china that will be the major influence in the world. The west is losing power and the world is up for a monumental shift.

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

Time. I would like cloning technology but with collective mind, to allow me to get more done in a day. 24hours is not enough. I cant paint, and make music, and master, and read, and meditate, and expand my mind, and make videos and have a relationship, and follow the latest science all at the same time.

10.) Mac or PC?

PC, I`m a huge DIY fiend, I build my own PCs and I like the freedom to do the same with my operating environment. Macs are great if you like the mac way of working. I don`t.

11.) Guilty Pleasure?

I love Tony Bennet, and possibly my 2nd favourite live musical show I have ever seen was Tony Bennet at the Royal Albert Hall
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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by arc »

Edit: I need a *new* job.
arc wrote:8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
I need a new job.
I'm not unemployed... just underemployed.


11.) Guilty Pleasure?

I drink at least one Red Bull a day. I've got a strong addiction to caffiene and coffee just doesn't do it for me.

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Críoch »

Pat & Pedro's ones have fucking cracked me up today haha!


Guilty pleasure? Hmmm...

Probably enjoying spending time on my own.. and no.. it's not THAT type of time haha.

I'm an only child & I've always enjoyed my own company. I'm not anti-social.. but I probably get tetchy when I haven't had a certain quota of it in recent times.
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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by disparate »

Interesting idea...

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?

Just finished Filth by Irvine Welsh and about to start The Doors of Perception, first Huxley I'll have read... also recently got through Hornby's High Fidelity, very easy read and definitely a relevant one for those of us who're a bit too into music and crap at relationships ;)

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

My main mode of transport is an 80s Peugeot ten-speed racing bike, although the wheels, tyres and brakes are modern ones that I put on after buying it second-hand. Pretty happy with it, no intention of buying a car anytime soon...

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?

Went to Berlin and did what most of you would probably do - sightseeing, beer drinking, record shopping and clubbing. Next holiday's gonna be a more quiet affair, visiting family in Greece

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?

It's been a very long time even though I've done plenty illegal shit in the meantime ;) in fact I don't think I've been on the wrong side of the police since I was a teenager...

5.) Are you happy at your job?

I made a thread about it a few months ago, some of you might remember it! In a nutshell it's ok, the money's alright and the work's mostly tedious, sometimes non-existent and sometimes too much, the company doesn't really give a shit about me or my efforts, I don't have nearly as much free time and energy as I'd like... typical multinational entry level "professional" job really. I realise it could be a lot worse, at least I have guaranteed hours etc unlike a lot of people I know.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?

Faaaar too many to decide.

7.) Do you play any videogames?

Nope, haven't done since I was a teenager with a PS2.

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?

Just the usual like work and all that. I'm pretty happy overall though, definitely enjoying life at the moment despite the hindrances.

Oh and plenty politics/current affairs shit has been bothering me a lot in recent years, the UK and a lot of the world is definitely going in the wrong direction.

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

As I touched on before, time for music!

10.) Mac or PC?


11.) Guilty pleasure?

Hmm hard one... I got into techno through being a big trance fan when I was younger, and I still pull out some of my old 1999-2004 records for old times sake, does that count? :D
Last edited by disparate on Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by wouterdewitte »

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?

The magic of believing

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)

opel astra from 2000

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?

Chilling on the beach in Koh Tao Thailand, visiting friends and family in Riga, Latvia... Going to Berlin in two weeks to have some fun...

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?

Every week, during meetings i have with police, city counsel and other organisations.

5.) Are you happy at your job?

Yes and no. I like the target group but not to sit behind computer and registrar every little shit thing i do with my clients.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?

Small little Thai place i don't remember the name off.

7.) Do you play any videogames?

Not really, playing some fifa and asphalt on my phone every now and then

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?

the fact i need to start working on my garden..

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

Time, money

10.) Mac or PC?


11.) Guilty Pleasure?

illegal substances
"People who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music"
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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Críoch »

Yeah.. great idea for a thread. Really enjoying reading about everyone.
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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Mrlemon »

11) Guilty Pleasure?

I do love a bit of 90's/00's R&B.

Oh and Psytrance.

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Re: Subsekt Non-Techno Questions & Answers

Post by Program »

Cool topic, I'll make it short:

1.) What book(s) are you currently reading?
I don't read books. It's usually manuals, tutorials or forums (weak yes).

2.) What kind of car do you drive? (or bike do you ride)
No driving license. I do cycle a lot tho, 20km a day in average.

3.) What did you do on your last vacation/holiday?
Spear-fishing mostly & driving my motor boat.

4.) When were you last in trouble with the police/law and what for?
5-6 years ago, let's just say it was weed related :mrgreen:

5.) Are you happy at your job?
Yes & no.

6.) What is your favorite restaurant in your area?
I don't eat out.

7.) Do you play any videogames?
Used to, 12hr Diablo shifts.

8.) What is something that is bothering you at the moment?
It's 35c and I don't have an air conditioner.

9.) What do you wish you had more of?

10.) Mac or PC?
Both; macbook for web & pc for production.

11.) Guilty pleasure?
I smoke too much :?

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