Live set Techno, drum machine and samples

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Live set Techno, drum machine and samples

Post by juxtpose »

Hey guys,
as the title suggests, live set with drum machine (rytm) and samples, this time via ableton with an apc40 though probably last time I use that as its dying, shame those controllers don't last longer as they are pretty good. I use small samples (2-4 bars though in some textural things longer, depending on the best looping point) of tracks I've made or sketches and I try to be fairly improvisatory - though the final track when its made also dictates the idea of structure. I love doing the live set like this as its fairly involving and coming from a band background makes me feel a similar energy largely due to the fact mistakes are made but that's what playing live to me is about. Hope you dig!

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Re: Live set Techno, drum machine and samples

Post by Sorglos »

I really enjoyed this set. What is your strategy on fading elements in and out? Do you mainly use volume or filter?

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Re: Live set Techno, drum machine and samples

Post by juxtpose »

yeah fair question I think its mainly volume I think. Ive never really planned my transitions to be honest, I think I may have at the start but I guess I learned the limitations of this particular setup. On ableton I have 8 channels of audio that line up with the apc40, if I want to transition the bass loop to the next one I usually do a HPF then bring the bass of the new part in slowly. On the rytm I usually have to mute all the percussion parts and when its just the kick playing swap to the next pattern so it transitions to the new kick. The thing there was to make that kick sound change unobtrusive (unless its super intentional but usually that sounds shit) so do that while there's lots playing with the ableton samples. Now that I thin about it Im going to have to listen to figure out what I did! But yeah long story short bass transitions with a hpf, rest of the tracks usually volume and rytm mute percussion and then change kick while other layers are playing so its not too obvious

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Re: Live set Techno, drum machine and samples

Post by Sorglos »

Thanks for the insight. I am currently working on the best way to build a life performance as well. Think I might get a midi controller with faders, and try to sticking to 8 channels.

Do you route the rytm to one of the 8 channels or just use it externally?

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Re: Live set Techno, drum machine and samples

Post by juxtpose »

I was using a soundcard - a stereo out from that went into a dj mixer, I found it was easier to go into the dj mixer just in case I did want to use (never did) and its usually already setup for the dj's. On the rytm I used a separate output for kick and bass tom (2 x mono) and the rest went out as a stereo channel, the rytm is pretty cool in that you can assign the routing. These four channels of the rytm went into the soundcard. Another cool thing was I was able to use the rytm kick as a sidechain on each of the 8 channels and I could control how much or how little sidechaining I wanted, surprisingly cpu intensive on ableton though

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