TRA FO: Live at Sub In Mundo - Brasilia - Brasil

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Alf Garnett
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Joined: Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:55 pm
Location: Rio de Janeiro
TRA FO: Live at Sub In Mundo - Brasilia - Brasil

Post by psicomagia »

Hi guys, this is my live set project called TRA FO ( ).

Each one of us play with an MPC (it's probably a classic everywhere, but it's definitely a classic in rio de janeiro's funk music from the late 80's and 90's) and synths (modular and semi-modular) + analog heat and a rnla unit. Two eventide h9's for reverb and delay.

This live show was super fun to play but also a bit stressing since it was a big party that took place in the streets of Brasilia (Brazil's Capital City) downtown at night, and the power kept turning my synth off all the time. Afterwards I just discovered that my 220v eurorack case was plugged on a 110v outlet all the time, running in half phase and thus turning off all the time, I almost had a stroke because I tought all my modules were gonna get burnt that night, the 303 actually didn't even turned on soundcheck so it's missing in the recording (but replaced by other synth voice).

Fortunately my synths were sequenced by the MPC + cv.ocd (not having power issues), so the sound didn't stop but you can listen to two or three parts that have a crazy but nonetheless intersting glitch and two small segments have a little resonance on the low end, but nothing that disturbs the audition. :)

hope you guys like it, even with the technical issues in the day I saw myself enjoying this recording a lot afterwards.

I'll post some photos so you guys can have an idea of the event. great night.





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