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Re: dub

Post by disparate »

Wiu wrote: As for Dub Techno. Just check out Maurizio M4 through to M7. Classics.
I'll second this, some of my favourite records ever. Lately I've really been digging it for these hazy walks home late at night/early in the morning, if you're in the right mood it just transfixes you. Always have the M-series compilation handy on my phone's mp3 player for such occasions :)

Moritz von Oswald very much mixed these in the dub style - analogue desk and a couple of FX/reverb units.

I enjoy dub as in proper dub... maybe not as much as I like good dancehall (I know, techno traitor...). Dub techno on the other hand, when it's done well it's really good but a lot of it is kinda samey, as everyone's saying the same chord + delay idea in loads of tracks.

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Re: dub

Post by ozias_leduc »

checking out the maurozio stuff now! whoa have actually heard some of this stuff yeeeears ago... awesome! loving it

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Re: dub

Post by rktic »

Btw, how does youtube embedding work?

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Re: dub

Post by ozias_leduc »

just type (youtube)code(/youtube)

but use these square brackets [ ] instead of the ones i did ()

and code is the number after http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

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Re: dub

Post by rktic »

Hm, it doesn't work in the preview - maybe only for published posts?

Sorry for the OT. I'll reward you with some good music once it's working ;)

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Re: dub

Post by rktic »

Thx Sam!

So, what about Thinner? Even if it's defunct nowadays, the music is still there and free... http://www.thinner.cc

Selected goodies from the backcatalogue

youtu.be/V_ZFUPkPfhI youtu.be/MnvOv-Dag70 youtu.be/fpeHNaUR1fU youtu.be/1fu34wI7tok

I could possibly keep throwing Dubtechno from the vast netaudio history at you for pages...

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Re: dub

Post by Wiu »

What's the chance of getting 'Northern Lights' in WAV format??

My fav Thinner release by far. 'Riding the Pipeline' is just awesome! ;)
Thank you for the laughs, debate, new music found, production tips etc etc over the years. I wish Subsekt and everyone all the best for the future. Wiu.

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Re: dub

Post by rktic »

Wiu wrote:What's the chance of getting 'Northern Lights' in WAV format??

My fav Thinner release by far. 'Riding the Pipeline' is just awesome! ;)
Thank you very much, Wiu!

I can send the .wav's to you. Maybe i should go about and remaster the tracks before. There's also a lost banging remix of "riding the pipeline" which i always wanted to fix (heavily driven, recorded live, no chance to rebuild - oh my). I'll put that on my to do list...

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Re: dub

Post by Mattias »

I think today people tend to categorize the "dub" in techno in two: dub-techno which is everything people been covering here and then "dubby-techno" which uses elements from the classic dub-techno (the dub-stabs are not needed for example just the track vibe is dubby) but focuses more on a raw and dirty attitude (I guess more towards Berghain + Birmingham + reduced grooves).

I'm not so much into categorizing stuff at all but this is what it seem much people today think of dub-techno / dubby-techno at least to my understanding!
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Re: dub

Post by BG++ »

Really like this sound , but as been said already , a lot of it is too derivative of Basic Channel and noone can really touch those guys . I think Deepchord , Convextion and the Modern Love label have all done a good job of putting their own twist on the sound though and are all worth checking out , particularly the early Deepchord and Convextion releases . I recorded this dub techno mix a few months ago if anyone fancies a listen http://soundcloud.com/barry-greaves/waves

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Re: dub

Post by Esh »

ozias_leduc wrote:i hear the word 'dub' a lot in modern techno

what does it really mean?
is there any connection to dub music from jamaica?
is there a reason why we hear the same chord in every track?

also hear it a lot with different people's remixes , ie "song name (speedy j dub)"

can someone edumacate me? :)

Hey man, great post by the way as this is something ive been interested in recently.

My girlfriend is a massive 'dub' freak, as in the proper dub, Iration Steppas, and all that. And Also a good friend who is obsessed by it. So I hear allot of it and I go to allot of the nights out here in dam, like King Shilo, bla bla. So i feel that the word 'dub' has a genre attached to it from that angle.

However, being in Amsterdam, people keep telling me that I should hear more dub techno. My response is what the fuck are you on about???

I know this is just my opinion, but, to me what these people are trying to feed me as dub techno, is just techno. Laurent vincent (is a name they chuck about allot) does not sound like he has reinvented the wheel, so to speak. I understand it has a slightly different feel to 'normal' techno. But its still just techno to me. Specific chord sounds or deep 'dubby' effects isn't enough for me to classify it as a genre of its own. I know allot of die-hards will disagree, but when it comes down to it, if its a different genre, call it something else. not techno. There is too much tech-house-ambient-deep-dub-bathon buzzwords floating about.

Techno to me is a proper, solid, genre. What is the point of diluting it. Either stick to its principal or call the fucking thing something else.

I know I have had a proper rant, but I have the image of this guys face at work, asking me to give him a mix and then trying to label each individual tune as its own genre of techno, and clearly knows fuck all about anything except Mr.Vincent above. Stupid smug prick with a poofy haircut. what a cunt. Sorry......

deep breath..........oh yeah. a track that contained vocals, sometimes is accompanied by a 'dub' (non-vocaled) version.

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Re: dub

Post by Tobs »

Technoist wrote:
ozias_leduc wrote:i hear the word 'dub' a lot in modern techno

what does it really mean?
is there any connection to dub music from jamaica?
is there a reason why we hear the same chord in every track?

also hear it a lot with different people's remixes , ie "song name (speedy j dub)"

can someone edumacate me? :)
I know this is just my opinion, but, to me what these people are trying to feed me as dub techno, is just techno. Laurent vincent (is a name they chuck about allot) does not sound like he has reinvented the wheel, so to speak. I understand it has a slightly different feel to 'normal' techno. But its still just techno to me. Specific chord sounds or deep 'dubby' effects isn't enough for me to classify it as a genre of its own. I know allot of die-hards will disagree, but when it comes down to it, if its a different genre, call it something else. not techno. There is too much tech-house-ambient-deep-dub-bathon buzzwords floating about.

Techno to me is a proper, solid, genre. What is the point of diluting it. Either stick to its principal or call the fucking thing something else.
hum i like this answer, feeling should dictate the genre, not the sounds.

i think dub techno evolved a lot from it's reggae and dub roots. for me reggae and dub are quite like "chill and smoke a joint blablabla".

for me dub techno is quite edgy actually, i mean if you listen to maurizio's m4 (a cool track and that everyone seems to call dub-techno) you feel energetic (at least i do).

these days i just feel that dub-techno is just another shade of techno (mind you, i find genres quite useless from an artistic point of view). so dub-techno is just techno (therefore call it techno).

that said, here's some tracks i consider dub-techno:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dCdntg9ue4 - lucy - dub man walking - i can't really explain this one, it as turned quite spiritual for me lol. i mean it just makes me happy and i start walking like a dub man (whatever that is) i just feel really chilled happy and cool. most of the time i start walking and dancing at the same time eheh

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P9A5Mm2i0U - onmutu mechanicks - catatonic - i really like this guy, again i can't explain why but it's really nice to hear, it's really mysterious and stuff. i love his nocturne album, amazing. if you like this track check lupus moon by him also, really nice.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC-O3KeRcRM - atheus - decaedra - dub-techno in the most comon sense way. some chords and wierd stuff, small changes, etc. it's nice

also check ap's input selector podcast (a really nice blog): http://soundcloud.com/input-selector/is-097-ap

again i personally think dub-techno i just techno and techno is music so call it music. that the important thing...

ps1: sorry for using so much the word nic, but i like it, it's nice :D
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Re: dub

Post by Stace »

I wanted somewhere to post this. Here seemed like a good idea.


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Re: dub

Post by .Guide »

Hello, Long time lurker, first time poster!

As others have mentioned, for me the term Dub is a bit misrepresented / miss-used as a label in contemporary electronic land.

I for one enjoy tracks that capture / develop the sparse rhythms, groove, space and atmosphere ( not just the use of delayed chords ) of classic dub music.

Below I feel are good examples where Dub sensibilities can be found in modern tracks ( starting from very obvious to more "out there"... )


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Re: dub

Post by Hyle »

Dub reggae is my biggest musical love, actually.
If you want to go on some Jamaican classics: Lee "Scratch" Perry (obviously), King Tubby, Scientist, Augustus Pablo, Joe Gibbs, Keith Hudson, Prince Far I are some of my favourite names.
If you want something "darker"/postpunk-ish dub, pick "Metal Box" by PIL, or some On-U Sound records, like "Off the Beaten Track" by African Head Charge.

If you some Dub Techno, idk... As they've already said you above, Basic Channel, Rhythm & Sound and (early!!) Chain Reaction stuff are classics. The genre had become boring and saturated quickly, I don't like particulary any of the most recent names (Vladislav Delay's "Visa" is a masterpiece imho, but I think that he actually had never produced "Dub Techno" at all, even if his first records were on Chain Reaction).

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Re: dub

Post by seanocean »

well the best way to say dub to me is look at mad professor and king tubby. those producers are the reason why many young heads are in their bedrooms right now using their DAW as an instrument. Jamaican dub is one the earliest clear roots of electronic music and also still remains a massive inspiration to many electronic artists.


Dub techno is becoming mad stale these days because people think they know what it's all about. but imo.. Dub is a feeling! -a revelation to almighty jah!.. ok just kidding. Nah really it's about making due with what you got and making music out of existing parts. cutting the fancy poppy parts and making something that focuses on the groove. traditional dubs on records were a remix experiment on b sides of pop records to go along with the acapella so dj's could mix it or extend the pop record a side some how. you'd have to buy 2 copies to do this so dubs were good for labels. also in dubs on reggae they'd just drop a good deal of the verse and just hint at bits of the lyric whenever it felt right.


anyway. yeah. dub can be a lot of things. what's passing for dub techno could be so much more. if you really want to get into dub properly get yourself some trojan dubs .. some scientist albums, listen to king tubby, mad professor.. well just listen to all the great dub remixers. there's a wealth of knowledge, love and history in there and a lot of what we're doing now in techno owes a ton of debt to dub.
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Re: dub

Post by seanocean »

btw listen to this mauritzio track..

highly dub influenced

also cari took dub techno down another path once and that shouldn't be ignored.
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Re: dub

Post by Stace »

Loving all these tracks :D

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