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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Senko »

Sure is a bitch when you're sitting behind the monitors and you can swear that the left monitor is just a little bit louder. The struggle is real.

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Re: Tinnitus

Post by delve »

Yes, that does suck! But, I laughed at myself the time I swore the left was louder, then checked my volume knobs on my monitors to find them not balanced correctly.
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Alume »

Its still here after a few days. Im pretty stressed out as a few minutes ago it got all low pitched and pretty loud for a few seconds. When i forget about it though. I forget in which pitch it is and dont here it again.

Im pretty stressed out in general as well so that isnt helping as well. Im trying to go to bed early and avoid techno.

I think im getting custom plugs when i have the cash.

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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Alume »

I am always carefull, i cant emagine i was overdoing them.. I go to porties like once a month. And production and headphones i try to listen low. Not low enough i guess.

Only time wise maybe. To long sessions.

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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Hades »

The main problem is you're stressing out now, and that won't ever do you any good !!

do sports to get your body relaxed and into shape.

then if that didn't help, try taking valium and having a good nights sleep.

I am not kidding about the valium.
For many, it can be a problematic medicin, no doubt,
but it used to be given to make your body and muscles relax for years,
and now kinesitherapists are doing this again,
after the medicin use to have a bad name for years.
And the problem can only occur when you take it ona regular basis, which is NOT what I'm suggesting.
I'm suggesting you the best medicin I know of to get your body all relaxed asap.

I have tried many things to make my hyper-active brain and body "relax".
Sleeping pills were no good (can't stand them),
but valium works like a charm for me.

I'm not saying : take this on a constant basis (hell no !!), cause your body will only get used to it, and it won't work as good anymore.
But if you want your body to get relaxed on a fast basis, and you're rather stressed out and can't seem to calm down no matter what, it's one of the best things I know.
If you've taken a valium for the first time and had a good nights sleep and wake up all relaxed, you'll know what I mean.
I had the same "relaxed" feeling when I first took sleeping pills, but sleeping pills shut out your brain from your sleep somehow,
so your body gets all relaxed, but your brain never had a chance to defragmentate your internal HD known as brain. :)
I don't have that problem with valium.

and trust me on this : I'm the last person on earth to recommend people to take pills.
Except for maybe once in a while motilium, I hardly take any medication at all.

Still, of course, sports and/or a healthy lifestyle are always recommended first and foremost ! :!:
But if all of that doesn't help : I'm only suggesting a different idea.
Of course : please just take this about half an hour or 1 hour before you go to sleep, and don't be driving or anything.
(you need to consult a doctor anyway cause it's on perscribtion anyway)
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Hades »

and just leave music (and any kind of noise in general) alone for a while.
you gotta give your brain and ears a rest man, there's too much at stake !
(ask Pedro, he knows all about it)
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Alume »

Just took a nice walk and got some stuff figured out. Im not going to listen to my headphones in the train anymore. I'm going to leave music for a while, I'll start making music again in april if everything goes as planned. I have an EP ready at one label and an other ep is in the process of getting signed(probably one of the stressing factors) so music making wise im good for some time anyway. Next to that I'm going to see an audio guy, just to get some profeesional input on the status on my ears and how much I can hear and if there is damage at al.

Furthermore with the stress situation. It seems that since a year or so it comes and goes. I'm a layedback person but my ambitions are quite high when it comes to music making and studies. Its like im doing music and trying to become an engineer part time really. So its quite hard to find the balance between my high ambitions and my layedback nature. Anyway I try to do sports, it helps but its so frustrating to me that I have to squeeze it in and plan it. I used to be hours outside riding my bmx so being outside was natural. Now as a fucking adult I even have to plan when I can be outside and when not? its rediculous to me. I'd rather be outside al day and work in the garden or stuff.

So yeah I dont know, I guess its just the winter and the tinnitus getting to me. I'm usually very confident and stable, but when I do derail I somehow go all the way, alwaaaays. This tinnitus thing is very scary. Its oke now, but this morning, when I got a taste of real ringing terror I got quite scared.

Valium might be a good one. But the thing is I do sleep oke. It takes me some time to fall asleep though, but when I do I sleep until the morning. I do get tired after diner, thats the time when stress usually kicks in for no reason. Scattered thoughts, hard hartbeats and stuff.

I guess its all just a process of becoming an adult and reaching a more critical way of thinking. Ive been drinking and partying an making music since november, due to the fact that I had no courses. Now that I have courses again you can literally feel responsibility kicking in, and yeah it sucks. Fuck growing up. Everything has a price, even making music.

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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Hades »

Alume wrote:Just took a nice walk and got some stuff figured out. Im not going to listen to my headphones in the train anymore. I'm going to leave music for a while, I'll start making music again in april if everything goes as planned. I have an EP ready at one label and an other ep is in the process of getting signed(probably one of the stressing factors) so music making wise im good for some time anyway. Next to that I'm going to see an audio guy, just to get some profeesional input on the status on my ears and how much I can hear and if there is damage at al.

Furthermore with the stress situation. It seems that since a year or so it comes and goes. I'm a layedback person but my ambitions are quite high when it comes to music making and studies. Its like im doing music and trying to become an engineer part time really. So its quite hard to find the balance between my high ambitions and my layedback nature. Anyway I try to do sports, it helps but its so frustrating to me that I have to squeeze it in and plan it. I used to be hours outside riding my bmx so being outside was natural. Now as a fucking adult I even have to plan when I can be outside and when not? its rediculous to me. I'd rather be outside al day and work in the garden or stuff.

So yeah I dont know, I guess its just the winter and the tinnitus getting to me. I'm usually very confident and stable, but when I do derail I somehow go all the way, alwaaaays. This tinnitus thing is very scary. Its oke now, but this morning, when I got a taste of real ringing terror I got quite scared.

Valium might be a good one. But the thing is I do sleep oke. It takes me some time to fall asleep though, but when I do I sleep until the morning. I do get tired after diner, thats the time when stress usually kicks in for no reason. Scattered thoughts, hard hartbeats and stuff.

I guess its all just a process of becoming an adult and reaching a more critical way of thinking. Ive been drinking and partying an making music since november, due to the fact that I had no courses. Now that I have courses again you can literally feel responsibility kicking in, and yeah it sucks. Fuck growing up. Everything has a price, even making music.
you can sleep ok but still feel tired in the morning.
trust me, I've had that happen to me more than enough times.

but anyways, yeah, it's shit when you have to actually plan getting fresh air and/or doing sports.
(I swear every decent company should just have some sports facilities available to their employees, and give a bonus for everyone who keeps themselves fit)
I know, and I've been lucky enough to have a job that gives me enough free time,
but on the other hand forces me to stay in good physical health or I simply wouldn't be able to keep on doing it for so many years.

try later on in life, when you got kids.
people think "oh yeah, it's only when they're little"
sure sure, and then when you don't have to waste your time wiping off asses,
you gotta invest your time into supervising their homework and stuff.
I almost long for that moment where all I gotta do is make sure they don't come home with the wrong boyfriends...
("wadda ya mean you don't know what an LFO is ??? GET YOUR HANDS OF MY FUCKING DAUGHTER RIGHT NOW DAMN IT !!!") :lol:
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Alume »

Hahah, yeah fuck those LFO ignorant guys.

Yeah I know having kids isnt a walk in the park either. But I have to link my problems to my current situation, so yeah.
Let me feel sorry for myself in peace!

Seriously though, I can get valium through my dealer. Im not sure I can get a perscription here in the netherlands.

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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Hades »

Alume wrote:Hahah, yeah fuck those LFO ignorant guys.

Yeah I know having kids isnt a walk in the park either. But I have to link my problems to my current situation, so yeah.
Let me feel sorry for myself in peace!

Seriously though, I can get valium through my dealer. Im not sure I can get a perscription here in the netherlands.
ow don't worry, I can completely feel sorry for you with tons of sympathy,
just exactly because you still have to start on the kids chapter ;)

no man, each chapter in the grown up life brings new kinds of worries so new kinds of stress, this is totally normal.

seriously though, this leaves me completely speechless :
I feel almost bad suggesting valium, and you,
coming from a country that is probably known to be one of the most liberal thinking countries when it comes to drugs,
will probably not get a prescribtion for valium.

I remember someone here once mentioning he slept like a baby on heroin... :shock:
go figure ! no doubt your dealer would be happy to hear that one ! :D
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Hades »

it's like your government is saying :
"ow no, you can't get a sixpack of beer, no way, you naughty boy !
but go to your dealer and he'll get you six bottles of whiskey instead, no problemo !" :shock:
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Alume »

Dont feel bad man, I'm not a child and I've taken a cocktail of different substances in my drugs revelotion time. From weed to acid and various designer drugs.

Though never Valium. Googled it, I've always know that people take it when they are in a bad trip or when they cant sleep from a bindge on amphetamines, but I've never known that its used a lot against panic attacks and stuff.

If I go to my "huisarts" and tell him I'd like some valium becuase im a bit stressed out I'm guessing he wont give it to me.

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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Hades »

Alume wrote:Dont feel bad man, I'm not a child and I've taken a cocktail of different substances in my drugs revelotion time. From weed to acid and various designer drugs.

Though never Valium. Googled it, I've always know that people take it when they are in a bad trip or when they cant sleep from a bindge on amphetamines, but I've never known that its used a lot against panic attacks and stuff.

If I go to my "huisarts" and tell him I'd like some valium becuase im a bit stressed out I'm guessing he wont give it to me.
well, I received my first valium after a night where I had a dead line coming in every 2 minutes, and it took my right-arm 6 actions to cut it off each time.
the line came in for like 10 hours straight, so that meant : 30x6 =180 x10 = 1800 the same movement with my arm, all night long.
people working some job at the factory belt are probably better off.
so yeah, even though I've had problems with a severe mouse arm years ago (I've learned to work with both my hands on the mouse in 1 night time, just cause my righthand-side was so fucked that I simply had no choice), obviously by the end of the night, my arm was totally cramped up muscle-wise.
You can take a painkiller but that won't make your muscles relax, nor would it have made me go home more relaxed and fall asleep properly.
So in come my morningshift co-workers, and one of them (god bless her) sees how cramped up I am, and gives me a valium.
I didn't even know this stuff except from its name and semi-bad reputation (if you see the name pop up in those scammy "get your meds here cheap" mails, you know it's a bad sign for any kind of med)
Anyway, took it, slept like a baby and my arm felt like new when I woke up.

My "huisarts" knows me pretty well, usually he barely sees me more than twice a year if it's not for one of my kids.
And on half of those ocassions, I'm fighting him over how long he's gonna give me a note for work, saying I can't possible be out for as long as he's gonna want me to stay at home.
He knows I'm pretty hard to "knock out", so to say, and hyperactive to the bone.
So yeah, he has no trouble prescribing me that cause he knows I'm good for it.
It did raise his eyebrows when I asked for it the first time though, which is a thing I've seldomly seen him do,
but then I explained my situation, told him I had tried it with great success, and that was it.
Other than that, half my family is or was active in the medical world, so getting presribtions is a breeze for me.
In fact, I even dislike the ease with which I could get some stuff, when I think about it...

but yeah, I've learned to appreciate it as the perfect muscle relaxer, but obviously, it also calms down nervousness.
Just remember to only use it from time to time or it will stop having any decent effect.

I don't see how people can have problems with it, but then I don't see the point in taking any kind of meds if it's not totally necessary.
On the other hand, having another beer though... that's another story !
I can almost always totally see the point in that one !* :D

there used to be a point where weed made me calm down more, but nowadays the very few times that I still try it, it never makes me calm down.
I really do suspect that they breed this "hyper"-weed more and more.
Good stuff, but not for calming down, that's for sure.

*off to the fridge now
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Hades »

Alume wrote:I've always know that people take it when they cant sleep from a bindge on amphetamins.
I can 200% confirm that this works.
Not that I'm proud of it, but yeah,
I was regularly put into the situation where I had to make my body "wake up" fast enough, and had to "put it down" fast enough.
I'm just hoping all the regular sports and the mostly healthy food makes up for it for as long as my job might need me to do this shit.

I'm not responsible for trying that out though, and I admit I was even scared at first, though I've tried enough illegal shit out in earlier years of my life,
sometimes to the completely irresponsible level.
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Alume »

Sounds like a usefull drug. I dont like putting pills in my body either. I even minimize paracetamols.

I should try it. A friend of mine is also sensitive to stress quite easy. He uses like a herbal thing, though he says it probably works as a placebo to him.

Can casual tinnitus stick around for a while? And if so how long, that way I'll know when its just casual or the real deal.

Man, I still cant understand it. I thought I was super carefull.

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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Senko »

I was super careful as well. It just creeps up on some people. Sucks.

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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Mattias »

Alume wrote: Man, I still cant understand it. I thought I was super carefull.
Different bodies on different individuals man. There is never an easy answer with these sorts of things. But I can assure you that if you had a down period, stress and your body was in general worse shape then usual loud volume hits and affects much more then when you're fully healthy.

In many cases people went with tinnitus for months and years and it stopped suddenly.
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by seanocean »

dredging up this thread because i've been stuck elsewhere.. possibly tweak happyland of trying to learn my evolver. :3 anyway. yeah i have had tinnitus for freakin ever. i think what comforts you the most would be to listen to isochronic frequencies or maybe some bass sine waves. i've actually had those sort out my ears at least temporarily for a while. my pet theory is that the cilia in the ears are all battered and tangled up like and old plastic comb.
when they are tangled up they produce a false positive which is like ringing. eventually your brain tunes it out like a pain in your body you get used to. but my feeling is that when subjected to the right frequencies or the right sort of pulses or pink noise, the cilia get combed out. which is also in line of why i think all the old techno heads start turning more to dub techno because it's all basically dirty noise and bass, and that's more calming than screeching silibant high hats making your eyes water all night. the bass and noise is like a retraining for the brain and i think a lot of people learn to drop the frequencies in their mixes that give them trouble.

hearing loss is no joke, and maybe it even comes with the territory of making music, but your hearing can survive several decades before your ears start saying, "fuck this shit, i'm out." or, if you're lucky, you'll hear a total drop in hearing frequency for a short time (like as if you stood up fast and couldn't see) and your mind will prune that ringing. i have no idea why my ears have done this, but it's done this a couple times and it's been a relief. idk what's really happening. maybe my overall deafness has increased.. but, yeah, protect your ears. wear the high NRR foam earplugs and maybe even sleep with drummers headphones on. do what you gotta do but rest your ears and mix super low. maybe even keep an spl meter app running on your phone to let you know if you go over a certain db.
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by mainst09 »

seanocean wrote:dredging up this thread because i've been stuck elsewhere.. possibly tweak happyland of trying to learn my evolver. :3 anyway. yeah i have had tinnitus for freakin ever. i think what comforts you the most would be to listen to isochronic frequencies or maybe some bass sine waves. i've actually had those sort out my ears at least temporarily for a while. my pet theory is that the cilia in the ears are all battered and tangled up like and old plastic comb.
when they are tangled up they produce a false positive which is like ringing. eventually your brain tunes it out like a pain in your body you get used to. but my feeling is that when subjected to the right frequencies or the right sort of pulses or pink noise, the cilia get combed out. which is also in line of why i think all the old techno heads start turning more to dub techno because it's all basically dirty noise and bass, and that's more calming than screeching silibant high hats making your eyes water all night. the bass and noise is like a retraining for the brain and i think a lot of people learn to drop the frequencies in their mixes that give them trouble.

hearing loss is no joke, and maybe it even comes with the territory of making music, but your hearing can survive several decades before your ears start saying, "fuck this shit, i'm out." or, if you're lucky, you'll hear a total drop in hearing frequency for a short time (like as if you stood up fast and couldn't see) and your mind will prune that ringing. i have no idea why my ears have done this, but it's done this a couple times and it's been a relief. idk what's really happening. maybe my overall deafness has increased.. but, yeah, protect your ears. wear the high NRR foam earplugs and maybe even sleep with drummers headphones on. do what you gotta do but rest your ears and mix super low. maybe even keep an spl meter app running on your phone to let you know if you go over a certain db.

this is actually a great way of thinking. thumbs up thanks
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Re: Tinnitus

Post by Alume »

A small updat on my situation. Its been like 3 weeks now I guess. In the mean time I let the doctor clean my ears out. She said I had an insame amout of earwax and that after cleaning(And probably before) my eardrums were under pressure inwards. The werent relaxed. After the cleaning the different rings in both ears became very low, only noticable if I plugged my ears from outsite noise(like in a pillow). But an other noise came in their place. I thikn Ive had this noise my whole life but its very noticable now. Its that buzz sounds of when you've drank to much and are lying on your bed way to drunk.

Turnes out my ears are still not clean, I'm going to let them clean them again today. Hope the ringing will be gone but im prepared to face the fact that that buzz noise might stay, its a typical sound that always came back in the time I didnt use earplugs(1.5-2 years ago)

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