BREXIT - The Aftermath

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BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Críoch »

Went to bed last night after seeing a few results come in, believing that the result would be close, but would come out on the side of Remain.

Was shocked to see the result this morning. Damn.

I'm trying get not to tap into the worry & scaremongering of Sky News.. but it's all a bit up in the air right now and very hard not to watch.

Interesting times ahead.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by samnatur »

With the way the pound is going, maybe Polacks will be vacationing in London in the future.

It's gonna be so funny.

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by terryfalafel »

I'd turn off Sky for a start. There's no question that Murdoch is a huge part in how this has happened, creating disruption and division at every possible opportunity. He won't stop now and his well practised tactics at putting the shits up people without any real basis in truth or fact are one of the main contributors to how this has turned out.

I'm surprised by the result, and as a Brit living abroad there will no doubt be consequences and complications for me down the line. But the really, really big thing is the boost this gives to the far right and nationalist parties right across Europe. We've already got Wilders attempting to capitalise on the back of this here in NL. Same in France and eastern Europe.

Oh dear.

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by borg »

what did you expect from a nation that thinks Oasis and Wonderwall are the best things that ever happened to music? I guess all the Lords and Counts and Earls will be rubbing their hands with glee. Nobody above to watch them anymore.
I'm not an economist or sociologist, but 'I want my Britain back'? The days of All Creatures Great and Small aren't coming back. Vicky Pollard's Britain on the other hand.
Just saw a piece about Peterborough in view of the brexit... That town would be dead and buried without immigrants

I feel kind of sad, and not because of economic reasons.

But who cares? I'm gonna put Kick2 on a track, let a few things loop and call it Techno. I'm out of weed, though.
the lunatics are in the hall...

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Mono-xID »

Guess all my British mates which currently live in Berlin will get married soon so they don't have to look for a flat in London.

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Lost to the Void »

Please keep them in Berlin.
London does not need more techno sheeples.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Lost to the Void »

But yeah. I'm sick at these results.
Stupidity ruled.

I think all the smart people should move to Scotland who will now have a new referendum for independence and get back in the eu.
Then we can leave all the racists and dummies down in England to rot.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Mono-xID »

It's not up to them anyway. They'd like to stay. The thought of moving back to England is a nightmare to them.

None of them (except Dean) has anything to do with techno. just lads I've met ages ago in my local bar.

Honestly, I'd lose some good lads.

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by jordanneke »

The whole thing was fucking stupid.

The should have had a referendum on something that was inconsequential, that would allow people to have a protest vote, but also satisfy the racists and right wingers?' Something like 'Should the Queen wear a headscarf?'

You can't trust the public to make a vote on the largest decision to happen in the last 60 yrs, with MASSIVE consequences, whose ramifications are beyond the scope of most highly educated people.... FFs the most read newspaper is the Sun. That's why we have a representational democracy....

Well done UK, Well done.

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Críoch »

Either way, given that the vote was so close, it was always going to give some momentum to the extreme fringes of British politics.. but they've really been given some traction now.

I can't believe that Boris is possibly going to be PM (or thats its being discussed in the media anyway). I like him.. but I didn't think that so many people took him seriously. As for Farage & Co. , they must be rubbing their hands. Vultures.

Are Labour going to lose loads of seats now because Corbyn was the wrong leader at the wrong time? What party is going to collect the winnings when the dust settles?

I really thought the death of Jo Cox was going to swing it for the Remain vote. Obviously not.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Wiu »

Funny. So for all the waffle from most here encouraging protests, freedom of speech, that we're ruled too much, that we don't need to be governed, when a positive thing happens, you believe all the frankly ridiculous bollocks spouted by the remain side or just think selfishly about a short term financial hit. The right side won for sure.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Críoch »

I know what you mean Wiu.

I dont live in the UK - but I would prefer to have you in the EU than not. It was the correct result due to the fact that a majority of people voted for it. I just think that it will add a lot of instability to life. Hopefully it wont be as bad as everyone who wanted to Remain believes it will be.

Whether you advocate protest or not.. surely that is tied to an informed personal opinion & not just a knee jerk to be difficult for no reason than just to go against the grain.

However, people did protest. People protested for both sides.

Most people who voted Remain are probably concerned by the rise in far right nationalism.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by terryfalafel »

Wiu wrote:Funny. So for all the waffle from most here encouraging protests, freedom of speech, that we're ruled too much, that we don't need to be governed, when a positive thing happens, you believe all the frankly ridiculous bollocks spouted by the remain side or just think selfishly about a short term financial hit. The right side won for sure.
Not sure if there are specific conversations you're referring to that I haven't read, but I don't think that anyone was saying it's either Remain, or rioting and looting and storming to the Houses of Parliament and off with their heads.

What I think you've done there is similar to the mistake that many people on both sides made, which is grossly oversimplifying something that's extraordinarily complicated. There was no easy argument that allowed people to decide in a single sentence or two which side was 'right'. That's precisely why we've ended up in this situation - a lack of balance in the information provided, and frankly a country that pretty much chose not to be informed.

What Britain's let itself in for is a Tory government most likely led by an individual even more poisonous than Cameron (!) to do the renegotiation of Britain's future for the next X number of years and decades. Let's see how that works out.

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Lost to the Void »

I personally do not believe in government. But the EU was better than the alternative, an unfettered Tory government.
Boris will make the country bleed, he`s toxic.
Now we see a move to the right, as we see across europe, it`s so predictable.
Take all the money out of the system, drive people against each other, take all the rest of the money whilst they bicker among themselves.

EU may have been a beurocratic beast, but it was pointed in the right direction. Inclusion, cooperation, discussion...
Now this shitty little island sits all alone waving it`s tattered flag, festering in nationalism, and isolation, thinking it has won. Surrounded by a pissed off europe, and with the predatory capitalist nightmare to the west looking to buy everything off for profit.

Recession looms....

Yay... best....thing....ever..
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Críoch »

Recession indeed.

Spending at home will decrease. Personal savings will increase.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Mattias »

It would have been better to change the EU instead of UK leaving it.

While I'm generally against undemocratic messes like the body of the EU, it's been in effect for such a long time so it gets complicated.
But yeah once again, the change should've been within the EU itself.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by terryfalafel »

Lost to the Void wrote: EU may have been a beurocratic beast, but it was pointed in the right direction. Inclusion, cooperation, discussion...
Now this shitty little island sits all alone waving it`s tattered flag, festering in nationalism, and isolation, thinking it has won.
This. I think it's also worth pointing out that though it was not at the forefront of the debate, compared to the screeching about IMMIGRANTS and 350 MILLION POUNDS A WEEK, one of the original goals of the EU was to bring peace to a continent which had been riven by war between neighbouring countries in the previous years. In this, it succeeded unquestionably. Whether this was due to fostering better diplomatic relationships and understandings between countries or simply an unwillingness to upset the apple cart with profitable trade deals, the end result was the same - peace. I hope today does not mark the start of that being undermined.

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Mattias »

Either way, viewed from a historically perspective, ever time the countries of Europe starts to separate themselves from working together bad stuff happens.
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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Stace »

Lost for words. Unbelievable, it's like a fucking nightmare.

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Re: BREXIT - The Aftermath

Post by Mattias »

Essentially, this is Cameron's fault. He probably made the worst miscalculation when it comes to political issues in modern time; have a referendum about EU (a gamble) to try to prove a point and make sure his nationalist opponents eats dirt.
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