recent sketches

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recent sketches

Post by dubdub »

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Re: recent sketches

Post by tsaro »

The first one could do with some definition, seems a little weedy/floaty to my ears. For that tempo I'd like the kick to cut through a bit more, it does seem to eat into the bassline a little. And a volume/filter envelope on the synth line to give it slightly more definition. Though I have to admit I don't know my dub-styles well enough to know whether this is a 'sound' you chose to work towards, would well be intended like that, but then it's clearly not for me.

The second is a sweet dreamy soundscape, not much to say except it would do nicely as a sci-fi soundtrack. My favourite of these 3.

The third one is nice and floaty, bassline modulation almost seems random though. I think it doesn't really sit well with the kick transient when you retrigger it that often. Vibe is nice here. That ending though :v
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Re: recent sketches

Post by dubdub »


The modulation on the bassline in the third track isn't random, it just has an odd resamples volume/pitch envelope. It does sound a little random though, although I thought that sounded cool.

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Re: recent sketches

Post by dubdub »

Anyone else?

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Re: recent sketches

Post by Evert »

I like the ethereal vibe of the second and third track.
The subtle panned sounds on the second track are really nice.

I can't really give any advice on the technical side. Honestly, I don't even hear half of the things you usually notice so I don't feel like I'm qualified to give any feedback here.

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Re: recent sketches

Post by Merah »

The third track has great potential but lacks a motive, just dubbing off into the void
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Re: recent sketches

Post by illit_ »

1075 is too short for me to give any meaningful feedback on, its a good idea though, really like the pace of the bassline. 1077 is some lovely stuff, wicked tones with that gentle but clarified edge. 1074 is my fav, could take this in an interesting direction when fleshed out, I like that dead-ish kick, has some good restrained umph to it!

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Re: recent sketches

Post by Amøbe »

I'm with Tsaro on his critique - the first one is really nice, but the kick is a little too far back (even if it is not thought to be nosebleeding techno). The second and third I really enjoy - the bassline of the third one is marvelous, and you really have a knack for making a good groove (I especially like the way that your hats or shakers sit somewhere right between hat and shaker territory, which gives a great wishywashy feel :D )

It kind of gets into the territory of GAS at some points, and I'm quite curious to hear how you made the soundscapes :) they are excellent work!

...they need to be a little longer, though ;)

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