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Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:32 am
by Sustain
Hi dudes :P

someone owns one? I love the oldschod distorted techno sounds, so I thought this can help to reproduce those distorted drums. Ofcourse there is some good software aswell but I think unit sounds gOOd!

not sure.. thinking if it's worth the money since it's not a cheap toy. hmmm :?:

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:45 am
by Alume

Get whatever you need to express yourself, if you do it a bit smartly (Second hand this that) you can usually sell it for the same or minor loss.

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:46 am
by Alume
Ok maybe its not the best advice, but sometimes you just need someone to push you over the edge :twisted:

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:10 pm
by arkos
Used to have one and they are awesome but the distortion is pretty much same sounding all the time so it's not very versatile if your just thinking about distorting sounds. But if you got outboard synths to run through it get it, it's the most fun you'll have with your pants on :)

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:37 am
How do you usually use your filterbank? do you plug your synths directly to it or send channel on your mixer?
Do you send full tracks or single instruments?

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 12:26 pm
by arkos
OHADOHAD wrote:How do you usually use your filterbank? do you plug your synths directly to it or send channel on your mixer?
Do you send full tracks or single instruments?
If your asking me and I remember correctly it was connected to the audio interface I had at the time Emu 1820m which had great routing capabilities.That way I could chain on the insert effects, basically you could route the input and outputs anyway you needed.

As for what ran through it, most of the time synths or samplers playing bass sounds but I'd have days where I would just run drum samples, breaks and yes sometimes full mixes through it. But most of the time it was a reece bass "brutalizer" :)

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 3:39 pm
Sustain wrote:Hi dudes :P

someone owns one? I love the oldschod distorted techno sounds, so I thought this can help to reproduce those distorted drums. Ofcourse there is some good software aswell but I think unit sounds gOOd!

not sure.. thinking if it's worth the money since it's not a cheap toy. hmmm :?:
I'd say go for it. I've heard some crazy and amazing stuff out of the filterbanks, and every producer I've seen sporting one in their studio has been a producer I've really liked, so it must be a quality piece of kit. I definitely wouldn't say cheap toy haha, They range from about $1000 or more here in Australia :(!

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 9:20 am
Anyone sending a stereo mix to the Sherman? how r u doing that? using a daw for that?

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 3:38 pm
by arkos
OHADOHAD wrote:Anyone sending a stereo mix to the Sherman? how r u doing that? using a daw for that?
You'd need two for that.

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 10:32 pm
by Críoch
As far as I know you can take 2 outputs from it?

I've never tried.. But guess you could do some kind of something with that.

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 10:35 pm
by Mslwte
A stereo mix to the Sherman? Seriously. Anyone Fucking with a Sherman doesn't worry about such frailties. Smash it to fuck.

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 8:15 am
by Kuchta
The standard Sherman Filterbank is One in (mono), Two out.

Whilst it's not true stereo, it does allow you to make use of panning and different filters for each output and so you can end up getting all crazy L-R with it, it just won't process a stereo mix or bus and maintain the stereo image.

They are amazing units, and in the right hands can be anything from super subtle to hell-bent mental. Usually hell-bent mental.

They take a lot of time to really learn what is going on as the routing is insane. Once learned you can get a whole range of things from it. That said, the most fun is had by applying your source (for me usually drums, especially single hits) and then just running a track in your DAW and fiddling for an hour. Great way to fill a folder full of unusual drum samples and breaks.

Other great distortion units, both of which I also own, are:

The Ebbe & Flut from Schippmann. These run expensive but can be had for under £1,000 used occasionally. It's a lot more 'sophisticated' sounding that the Sherman. Rounded, gorgeous and creamy.

The Niio Iotine Core II which is stereo in and out (the main reason I bought it). Runs somewhere between the Ebbe & Flut and the Sherman cost-wise, but is 'cheaper' and dirtier sounding than the others. Not in a bad way though. Ansome nails it on his Penny and Pound EP, some great Youtube videos of him using it for live tracks.

All three are amazing units, and damn near essential if you are after hardware distortion.

Re: Sherman filterbank 2

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:06 am
Thanks Kuchta for the detailed explanation ;)